About Books on Code
Learning to code is fun.
That is the inspiration behind Books on Code — a programming learning platform for self-taught programmers and life-long learners to get the job, get the promotion, or simply push the limits of the programming career path.
What makes Books on Code unique? We focus on sharing technical programming books that are brain-friendly and fun so that we can learn technical skills faster, better, and with more excitement.
At Books on Code, we encourage multiple forms of learning to keep engaged throughout the process of leveling up our careers. That’s why we also often recommend highly-vetted, inexpensive-or-free digital courses from Udemy, Coursera, or Codecademy.
Miranda says that learning should be fun and never too boring or intimidating. 😁✌️
MIRANDA LIMONCZENKO is a self-taught front-end engineer who took the windy path to become a programmer.
After getting her Master of Arts in English literature, Miranda entered the software industry as a technical writer at a major software company. For nights and weekends, she studied aggressively, cracked the coding interview, and landed the dream job.
Miranda created Books on Code to make the self-taught path easier, aiming to foster a fresh and warm educational platform that is both motivational and friendly so that programmers can keep their passion by finding joy in learning new programming skills.
At Books on Code, Miranda believes that learning should be as painless and incremental as possible, encouraging daily coding and study. She is also a mega-fan of Codecademy and owes a portion of her successful career change to the platform, which she details in her review.