5 Best Books to Become a Full-Stack Developer in 2023

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The web development landscape has been changing rapidly. A full-stack web developer is a person who can develop both client and server software and can produce end to end solutions. In other words, full-stack developers are the Swiss Army knife of the code world.

In this article, we have put the spotlight on the best books for full-stack developers through a collection of book reviews. Each book review will highlight the taste of the book, the contents covered, and how it can benefit you.


Why Learn Full-Stack Development 

Full-stack development requires you to think and act like a full-stack developer.

  • Easy switching: A professional Full Stack developer can switch between front and back end development based on the requirements of the project. 

  • Full-stack developers are in demand: Top companies are hiring Full Stack Developers. If you want to boost your career opportunities, you can get tons of job opportunities by learning full-stack development.

  • Great pay: Companies handsome salaries to full-stack developers because they reduce operating costs for the company.

  • Know the bigger picture: A full stack developer has higher insight about how the business needs to be developed due to end-to-end visibility. 

  • Better productivity: A full-stack developer knows multiple technologies and can make technical decisions faster. Faster decision making, along with creative liberty and control over the project, increases their productivity.

  • Versatility: A full stack developer can better understand all aspects of new and upcoming technologies. They can resolve complex programming problems in less time and money.


What Makes Best Full-Stack Development Books?

What makes a full-stack development book good? Good question, but there’s no easy answer! 

There are a few criteria that make a book worth reading. 

  • The contents are well-organized and well structured.

  • The book is concise and easy to understand.

  • Contain exercises, examples, and practice problems for hands-on experience.

  • Engaging and able to hold the attention of readers.


Best Books for Full-stack Developers 

If you’re daring enough to attempt full-stack development, these books are sure to whet your appetite for full-stack resources.

It is important to find an outstanding book that can guide your learning. Here, we have reviewed a list of excellent books for full-stack developers:


1. Best Book for a .NET-based Stack: ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9

ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9: Full-stack web development with .NET Core 3.1 and Angular 9 by Valerio De Sanctis is a 2020 book that helps you to build a simple, yet fully functional modern web application using .NET Core 3.1, Entity Framework Core and Angular 9.

The book adopts a full stack approach to handle data management, Web APIs, application design, testing, SEO, security and deployment. After reading the book, you will be able to:

  • Implement a Web API interface with ASP.NET Core and consume it with Angular using RxJS Observables

  • Create a data model using Entity Framework Core with code-first approach and migrations support

  • Set up and configure a SQL database server using a local instance or a cloud data store on Azure

  • Perform C# and JavaScript debugging using Visual Studio 2019

  • Create TDD and BDD unit test using xUnit, Jasmine, and Karma

  • Implement authentication and authorization using ASP.NET Identity, IdentityServer4, and Angular API

  • Build Progressive Web Apps and explore Service Workers

The book contains step-by-step implementation tutorials that make this book easy to understand. The contents covered in the book are:

  • Front-end and Back-end Interactions

  • Data Model with Entity Framework Core

  • Fetching and Displaying Data

  • Forms and Data Validation

  • Code Tweaks and Data Services

  • Back-end and Front-end Debugging

  • ASP.NET Core and Angular Unit Testing

  • Authentication and Authorization

  • Progressive web apps

  • Windows and Linux deployment 

By the end of this book, you will be able to create efficient web applications using ASP.NET Core and Angular.


2. Best book for learning full-stack principles: The Full Stack Developer

The Full Stack Developer: Your Essential Guide to the Everyday Skills Expected of a Modern Full Stack Web Developer by Chris Northwood recognizes skills beyond the technical and gives foundational knowledge of the wide set of skills needed in a modern software development team. 

  • Plan your work including Agile vs Waterfall, tools, scrum, Kanban and continuous delivery

  • Translate UX into code: grids, component libraries and style guides

  • Design systems and system architectures (microservices to monoliths)

  • Review patterns for APIs (SOAP, AJAX, REST), defining API domains, patterns for REST APIs and more API goodness

  • Study the various front-end design patterns you need to know

  • Store data, what to consider for security, deployment, production and more

The contents covered in the book include 

  • The Modern Web

  • Planning Your Work

  • User Experience

  • Designing Systems

  • Ethics

  • Front End

  • Testing

  • JavaScript

  • Accessibility

  • APIs

  • Storing Data

  • Security

  • Deployment

  • In Production

  • Constant Learning

Think of this as a complete guide for any full-stack JS development and try to keep an open mind along the way.


More books you may like:


3. Best book for learning a modern web stack: Modern Full-Stack Development

Modern Full-Stack Development: Using TypeScript, React, Node.js, Webpack, and Docker by Frank Zammetti build a solid foundation of knowledge and quickly expand it by constructing two different real-world apps.

The contents in a well-organized way and the writing style is easy to follow. After reading the book, you will be able to:

  • Get a project started and logically structure it

  • Construct a user interface with React and Material-UI 

  • Use WebSockets for real-time communication between client and server

  • Build a REST API with Node and Express as another approach to client-server communication

  • Package the app with Webpack for optimized delivery

  • Take a completed app and wrap it up with Docker for easy distribution

  • Review a host of other ancillary topics including NPM, Semantic versioning, Babel, NoSQL, and more

By the end, you will have a solid grasp of building apps with React, Node.js, and TypeScript. This book will simply polish your full-stack development skills from good to outstanding!


4. Best book for learning full-stack with Spring Boot: Hands-On Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 2 and React

Hands-On Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 2 and React by Juha Hinkula is a comprehensive guide to building full stack applications covering frontend and server-side programming, data management, and web security. The book will help you to unleash the power of React Hooks to build interactive and complex user interfaces.

This book starts with a brief introduction to Spring Boot. The book guides you to build scalable full stack applications designed to meet the demands of modern users. After reading the book, you will be able to 

  • Create a RESTful web service with Spring Boot

  • Grasp the fundamentals of dependency injection and how to use it for backend development

  • Discover techniques for securing the backend using Spring Security

  • Understand how to use React for frontend programming

  • Benefit from the Heroku cloud server by deploying your application to it

  • Delve into the techniques for creating unit tests using JUnit

  • Explore the Material UI component library to make more user-friendly user interfaces

The book is divided into sixteen chapters and includes the following topics:

  • Chapter 1 talks about setting up the Environment and Tools - Backend

  • Chapter 2 covers Dependency Injection

  • Chapter 3 talks about using JPA to create and access a Database

  • Chapter 4 guides you to create a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot

  • Chapter 5 talks about Securing and Testing Your Backend

  • Chapter 6 talks about Setting Up the Environment and Tools - Frontend

  • Chapter 7 guides you to get started with React

  • Chapter 8 talks about consuming the REST API with React

  • Chapter 9 covers useful Third-Party Components for React

  • Chapter 10 talks about setting up the Frontend for our Spring Boot RESTful Web Service

  • Chapter 11 talks about adding CRUD Functionalities

  • Chapter 12 talks about styling the Frontend with React Material-UI

  • Chapter 13 talks about testing your Frontend

  • Chapter 14 talks about securing your Application

  • Chapter 15 talks about deploying your Application

  • Chapter 16 covers Best Practices

By the end of this book, you'll be able to build modern full stack applications with Spring Boot for the backend and React for the frontend.


5. Best Book for a Vue-focused stack: Fullstack Vue: The Complete Guide to Vue.js

One other worthy book I recommend is Fullstack Vue: The Complete Guide to Vue.js by Hassan Djirdeh, Nate Murray, and Ari Lerner. It is a tutorial-driven book that will have you writing Vue apps in no time. The book includes many examples combined with technical explanations. It explains the concepts in a simple and understandable manner.

The book is divided into eight chapters. Every chapter focuses on a different part of the ecosystem.

  • Chapter 1 guides you to get started with Vue.js

  • Chapter 2 covers Single-file Components

  • Chapter 3 covers Custom Events

  • Chapter 4 gives the introduction to Vuex4

  • Chapter 5 covers Vuex and Servers

  • Chapter 6 talks about Form Handling

  • Chapter 7 covers Routing

  • Chapter 8 guides you on Unit Testing

Each chapter in the book comes with a complete project that uses the concepts in a practical and runnable format. This book is a must-read to master the Vue.js framework. 

The great news is that you are not getting just a book, but access to live code examples.


More Ways to Learn Full-Stack Development

They serve as a great resource for those who want to learn best through reading.

There are no wrong choices! So, once you know what type of stack you wanna do, you can just grab whatever books interest you the most.

Full-stack developers know that there’s a lot to learn in this field. That’s why these books are merely the tip of the iceberg and will only take you so far.

If you have made it this far then certainly you are willing to learn more from online courses. Here's a list that can help:

That’s not all. If you’re looking for free resources, we also suggest here over 70 coding resources that are free online.

Go forth and build! We'd love to hear more about what you've built or what you want to build.

Miranda Limonczenko

Miranda is the founder of Books on Code, with a mission to bring book-lover culture to programmers. Learn more by checking out Miranda on LinkedIn.


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